Episode 33

Managing Partner Belief

In this episode, Heather and Sabine welcome Managing Partner, Ryan Kramer, and Director of Development, Octavia Morton to discuss the importance of the MP’s belief in activity coaching and the activity coach's role.  


01:40 Some of the systems or programs have come and gone over time, but activity coaching, (or maybe you call it RACE or PACE or pacesetter), has remained stable. 

09:17 There’s a lot of leadership needed in this role. 

14:41 Great to listen to and make changes based on your activity coaches’ input. 

18:28 The grass is always greener over there but it’s gonna be green when you water it. Put some time and energy into what you’re doing. 

29:45 Really to do everything we’ve been talking about to make sure that they feel supported, that they are backed up, that they are invited to have a seat at the table. That’s been the biggest thing that’s empowered me


Heather Price Consulting

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Activity Coaching Conversations
Coaching strategies for the overachievers, the slow starters and everyone in between.

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