Episode 34

Coaching with the Culture Index

In this episode, Sabine talks with John Puffer, Culture Index expert. John has analyzed over 50,000 Culture Index profiles in the 13 years he has trained field leaders and is currently working with 60 Northwestern Mutual MPs and dozens of high-performing ensembles. John will discuss how the Culture Index can be effectively used as a tool for coaching as well as recruiting. He emphasizes the importance of knowing yourself as well as those you are coaching.

Episode Highlights:

04:31 - First one is, we all judge others but we think we are the norm. It's human nature. We think we are the normal one. Culture Index proves this is not true but the general theme of that statement is that I want people to stop assuming and judging a candidate.

16:33 - The A trait right is not coachable, so the way you have to get through to them is to verbally slap them in the face. You have to verbally get their attention.

20:12 - Everything is a mixed blessing. There is no right or wrong here. There is no good or bad. Everybody's been blessed with gifts, skills and ability and we identify what those are.

26:29 - When you talk to them, when you coach them, ask them how they feel about their business. They connect more with that.


Heather Price Consulting

John Puffer

Culture Index

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Activity Coaching Conversations
Coaching strategies for the overachievers, the slow starters and everyone in between.

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