Episode 45

Language for Common Coaching Scenarios

In this episode, Heather and Sabine discuss coaching scenarios and language that can be useful for different situations. Several scenarios include:

  • Challenging FRs to think bigger when they are already easily hitting their goals
  • What to do when an FR doesn’t like setting goals
  • Coaching to 25-30 ahead when an FR is consistently below that


06:28 - I like to know if they're competitive. That's what I will always ask. And then if they say, "Yes," I'll ask, "Are you competitive against other people? Are you competitive against yourself?" Because there's a difference.

07:26 - If they're not competitive, it might be something else. It might be they want special access to upper leaders, like more access to the managing partner or more time with their mentor. It might be additional education, maybe growth or leadership opportunities.

14:36 - A lot of it is fear and skeptical to set the goals. Not that it matters, I think this can happen in men and women. I do think there's a confidence issue there.

19:49 - That's why we focus on the things that are within your control that will get you there. And we can certainly put a plan together that will break down the activity that you can control, and you can focus on those controllables each month.


Heather Price Consulting

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Activity Coaching Conversations
Coaching strategies for the overachievers, the slow starters and everyone in between.

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